[archived] - [2013] - [2014] - [2015] - [2016] - [2017] - [2018] - [2019] - [2020] - [2021] - [2022] - [2023] - [2024]


These are previous year's blog posts I've archived by year.  These zip archives contain the orignial HTML page and the associated files from the blog posts (zip archives containing the traffic, malware, emails, IOCs, etc.).  These annual zip archives are password-protected as described at the bottom of this page.

The zip archives for 2022 and 2023 were compressed using AES encryption, so you might need a third-party unarchiver to extract these files. For example, the built-in zip unarchiver used by File Manager on a Windows system cannot extract the contents of the 2022 and 2023 archives.

Shown above:  File types of the zip archives in this section.  Note the different version and compression method for the 2022 and 2023 zip archives.




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