This blog focuses on network traffic related to malware infections, mostly from Windows-based malware.

Use this website at your own risk!  Many of the zip archives contain malware samples.  I share these malware samples as a resource for threat researchers and other security professionals.

The zip files with malicious content have "malware" in the file name.  Some of the packet captures (pcaps) also contain malware, and these pcaps may be flagged as malicious by anti-virus or other endpoint security systems.

There's a risk of infection if you handle these files on a Windows host.  If you download or use of any information from this website, you assume complete responsibility for any resulting loss or damage.

If you have any feedback for this blog, feel free to email me at brad@malware-traffic-analysis.net.


Except where otherwise noted, Password-protected zip archives in these blog posts use the following password scheme: