- From January 2015 to May 2017, I worked with a few people to post 11 guest entries on this blog. These are the resulting posts.
- 2017-05-18 -- David Szili - Pcap of WannaCry ransomware spreading using EternalBlue
- 2016-07-24 -- M. Zubair Rafique - Magintude EK sends Cerber ransomware
- 2016-07-19 -- Tom Hegel - Neutrino EK - EITest Campaign
- 2016-04-15 -- Hardik Suri - A closer look at Magnitude EK
- 2016-02-02 -- Lenny Conway - Profiling the exploit kit
- 2015-11-05 -- Michael Fratello - Malspam attachments download new CryptoWall variant
- 2015-10-06 -- Hardik Suri - A closer look at Nuclear EK
- 2015-09-17 -- Hardik Suri - A closer look at Neutrino EK
- 2015-03-02 -- Jack Mott - Fiesta EK from 69.64.49[.]212 port 80 - ypyitqu.myftp[.]org
- 2015-02-03 -- Jack Mott - Malspam - Subject: Invoice from Liberty
- 2015-01-15 -- Jack Mott - Another Upatre/Dyre phishing wave
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